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How to Get Brown Pool Water Clear

Let’s be honest; having a pool is amazing. Lazy Sundays are spent in the pool with a margarita, parties with close friends, and relaxing night swims; who wouldn’t want that, right? But, even in this scenario, there is something very annoying; the brown color your pool gets!  

Unfortunately, this is the biggest nightmare for pool owners. It feels unclean and has a truly nasty appearance. You feel repulsed and ashamed when your pool is filled with brown water. Additionally, if your pool is left brown for an extended period, it could become permanently stained. You must understand how to make brown pool water clear for this reason.

How Do You Clear Up a Brown Pool Fast?

Sometimes, knowing how to clear brown pool water is not enough because you need to know the fastest solution. And the fastest way to clean a brown pool is to do it without draining the pool. And yes, it is possible. You should start by cleaning the deck or pool area before focusing on the core issue. More muck, filth, or debris shouldn’t enter the pool. Use a skimmer to manually remove as much floating debris from the water as you can as you go around the pool. 

Instead of attempting to vacuum it up later, it is far simpler to skim it off now. Additionally, it will keep the skimmer basket free. Finally, increase the chlorine levels as soon as possible if a lot of organic stuff enters your pool. This will lessen the possibility of leaves and other debris discoloring the pool floor and assist control the water level. To do this, add liquid chlorine until the chlorine concentration is between 10 and 30 ppm. 

A small amount of stabilizer will also need to be added to stop the chlorine from evaporating too quickly. Your pool’s floor most likely contains a variety of dirt, leaves, and debris from the rain. So, when you’re finished with the skimmer, you’ll need to clean the pool with a pool vacuum. It’s advisable to promptly remove any dirt and muck from the pool because they tend to stay to the surface. 

Use a leaf vacuum driven by a garden hose, such as this one, for huge detritus. Since the debris bag on this specific model is huge, you won’t need to empty it frequently. You may still use it if your pool lacks a filtration system because a garden hose powers it. To remove any filth, you might also need to brush the pool floor with a pool brush.

How Do I Get the Brown Color out of My Pool?

To remove the gross brown color, using ascorbic acid is the initial step you should take. The ascorbic acid is easily accessible in the shop closest to you. Purchase a pound of ascorbic acid there by going there. You shouldn’t need any more than that. Apply the ascorbic acid to your pool after that. Wait an hour because the pool will need time to circulate the water. 

You will observe the outcome following the circulation. You will see the brown stain fading after one or two hours. You can now temporarily turn off your pump pool once all the stains have been removed. The iron is now visible over the sea. You need a 16oz bottle of Revive to get rid of that. Why? It will, however, eliminate all of the iron stains in the brown stain. 

How to Get Brown Pool Water Clear

All stains will be transformed into sediments by the Revive, which will also transport them to the pool’s bottom. Wait 24 hours and refrain from using your pool during this time. You must now remove all the debris from the pool’s bottom. In that scenario, you can clear up the debris with a vacuum. But make sure the waste setting is activated. 

Otherwise, the system might be harmed. By now, the issue ought to be resolved, and you should have a clean, new pool. That said, you should be aware that prevention is preferable to cure. For example, instead of addressing the brown color issue, you could prevent the occurrence of brown in your pool. You can then adhere to these recommendations.

What Causes Brown Pool Water? 

Well, there are many possible reasons why pool water gets brown. For example, iron-rich pool water can have high quantities of metals and produce a similar appearance. Dissolved organic molecules interact with metal ions in the water to generate colorful complexes. In this situation, the pool would taste and smell metallic or bitter. Oxidized iron is the most frequent cause of the metallic taste and discolored water in swimming pools. 

Sample your pool’s water for metals every two weeks and have a suitable source to filter these contaminants out of your pool’s water to limit the levels of metal ions that build up on the top. In your swimming pool, chlorine can react with organic substances to produce colorful compounds. If you have recently struggled with algae or if you don’t chlorinate often enough, this is more likely to happen. 

Overuse of pool chemicals like chlorine and bromine can form brown or yellow compounds when combined with organic material. This discoloration is more likely to remain in stagnant water with a lot of debris. In addition, swimmers that perspire a lot can sometimes cause discoloration if they don’t take a shower before getting in the pool. 

They may also be responsible for sweating out extra metals like copper deposited on the pool’s surface or even silver from swimsuits made of these materials. This happens more frequently when sodium bicarbonate rather than calcium hypochlorite is used in your chlorine sanitizer. Since it doesn’t contain metal ions, calcium hypochlorite is considerably less likely to leave behind brown stains on swimming pool walls.


Well, you now know how to clear the water in a brown pool. However, you feel ill when you have a brown pool in your house. Because of this, you should always use the techniques I’ve just described to solve this issue. For you to take the appropriate measurements, we have also covered the causes and preventive. 

And I understand that, at times, it is not that easy and doable to keep up with the maintenance of everything. There are times we don’t even want to get out of bed. But, still, everyone wants a pool that is pristine and fresh. And to always feel at ease, you should keep your pool tidy and brightly colored.

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